This month in social studies we have been busy learning about communities and the important people and places that we have in our community. The students in 1B were so eager to share about all of the different places that they wanted to create their own map of a community. They got right to work brainstorming the important places they wanted to include, and then adding some of the important people to their communities and maps.
Once they were done, they became film makers! They took charge and recorded their own videos explaining the important places and people that they thought of. I was so proud of their hard work and I wanted to share their videos with you.
In Leni and Reagan’s community you will find a fire station, a school, a police station, a vet, and a hospital.
Callie, Adlai and Dahlia wanted to include a variety of important places in their community. They included a school (OJCS to be exact), a hospital, a grocery store, a vet, houses, a police station, and a fire station.
If you were to visit Seth and Lev’s community you would find a school, houses, a hospital, a park, a dentist, and a doctors office!
In the final 1B community, Levi, Noah and Hallie included many police, doctors and nurses. There you will find a police station, a grocery store, a work place, a doctors office, a school, a fire station, and a vet!
What important places and people would you include in your community?