Our first two weeks in Grade One have flown by. The children love their new classrooms and are so excited to learn. This year, the major change is students get to move between rooms for English and Hebrew classes.
Both classes worked together to create our Kod Havakod (The Code of Respect). The students came up with great ideas for how to show respect to each other and make this the best year ever in Grade One!
In Printing, we have been busy reviewing how to write all capital letters and numbers from 1 to 10. Everyone is doing a great job! The new interactive whiteboard is a big hit. The students love showing their classmates how to write capital letters. Next week, we will start learning how to write lowercase letters.
Students reviewed letter names and their sounds. Fluent readers have been busy reading stories and answering questions, showing how much they’ve learned already.
In Writing, the children have started expressing themselves in their journals, and I love reading all the journal entries!
The “Me Bag” presentations were terrific! Students brought items representing their interests. Each child had the chance to present and share a little about themselves with the class.
Our first library session was a big hit! Brigitte read a story to the classes, and taught the students how to check out books independently. Books will come home in note totes. Books need to be returned to school to check out a new book. The students are excited to take on this new first grade responsibility.
In Math, the children demonstrated what they know in number sense. Morah Marina, our Math resource teacher, joined the classes to work with the children at different math stations. We focused on representing numbers using tens frames and base ten blocks.
In Science, we completed our first LEGO STEM challenge. All the students made unique and stable structures and had fun presenting them to classmates. They also had a blast working on coding with our coding robot, Botley.
In Social Studies, the focus has been on learning about school responsibilities. The students are working hard to be responsible students this year at OJCS.
The school year has gotten off to a great start, and we are excited to keep learning and growing together!
growing together!
BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT Tuesday September 17th at 7:OO PM
PICTURE DAY Thursday September 19th Please send your child in their white OJCS shirt for school pictures.