If you are not able to attend our Back to School Night or in need of a review, please see the following videos and slides. If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
Using Classkick
Blog whereabouts:
If you are not able to attend our Back to School Night or in need of a review, please see the following videos and slides. If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
Using Classkick
Blog whereabouts:
Hi everyone!
It is definately a different begining in Kitah Alef this year!
We are all working togerher on keeping distance and helping each other by being respectful of each other’s space, keeping our masks on, using only the tools asigned to us and so much more. Every day we come across new situations that require ‘covid time sollutions’ and together, we figure it out… We definately have to be creative in our thought.
So far, our Kitah Alef students are demonstarting kindness, patience, respect, curiousity, and so much more that makes it a joy learn together.
We created a kindness web in a cursive Alef to remind us to always be kind… and we are already practicing acts of kindness in class and in our OJCS community…
We heard that Kitah Gimel really wanted to play on the structures so we offered to switch spaces with them on Fridays… It was so nice to see how happy we made them today.
We are slowly getting into our routines and are looking forward to meeting you all on our virtual Back to School Night and tell you some more about our year.
Shannah Tovah Umetukah
May it be a healthy year filled with family and friends.
Grade 1 team
Shalom OJCS Kitah Alef families,
To those who are new to our school – Welcome, and to those returning – Welcome back!
I am so looking forward to getting to know each and everyone of you this year.
Please have a look at our bios to get a taste of who we are.
Meanwhile you can brows the following power point to get a taste of what we will be doing in Judaic studies. this year.
Informative Power Point for start of year
I am soooo excited,
Morah Ada.
What a fantastic first day of Grade 1! The students were so excited to start their day! It is going to be an awesome school year and we cannot wait to learn and grow with your children!
Here are a few reminders:
Have a wonderful evening!
– The Grade 1 Team