Here is a sneak peak into some of the incredible learning that has been going on in Grade 1 Social Studies.
We had a whole class discussion to create the table below. I asked the students to describe some of their roles as a member of your family at home, as a student at school, and as a member of the community,

We continued to explore our responsibilities by creating a Venn Diagram. The students worked together as a class to sort some of our responsibilities at home and at school. The Venn Diagram helped the students understand that some of their responsibilities can overlap to be the same at home and at school.

Today we experienced our first ‘Think, Pair, Share’. The students were given a question to think about, they discussed their ideas and answers in pairs, and then they shared their ideas in front of the whole class. Here are just a few of the answers we heard today!
“How will my responsibilities change as I get older?”
Curriculum Expectation A1.1 – “describe how and why a person’s roles, relationships, and responsibilities, may change in different places or situations and at different times”
Please feel free to continue the discussion with your child. Comment below to share any thinking and learning that is taking place outside of school!
We are looking forward to even more exploration with roles and responsibilities in Social Studies! Our next focus will be identifying different roles and responsibilities of significant people in our lives and community (i.e. parent, teacher, doctor, firefighter, etc).
Reminder: please send your Media Consent forms in to the office so we can blog about all of the learning going on in the classroom. Please send us (the Morahs) an e-mail as soon as possible if we cannot put your child on the blog.
Thanks, Lianna. Kayla came home today and announced that from now on, washing the dishes would be her responsibility.