Posted in Jewish Studies, Ruach

Our Model Seder

Yesterday afternoon was truly magical as the grade one classes came together for a beautiful mock Seder. Led by the incredible Morah Ada, our little ones embarked on a journey through the Passover story with such grace and enthusiasm that it filled the room with warmth and joy.

Morah Ada’s dedication and preparation shone through as she guided the children seamlessly through the songs and blessings, ensuring they understood the significance of each step. It was heartwarming to witness how well they sang and recited, embodying the spirit of the Seder with their innocent voices filling the air.

The tables were adorned with the sweetest touch, as the children had lovingly prepared placemats and Haggadahs, each a testament to their eagerness to learn and participate. Watching them take ownership of the Seder, from setting the table to leading the blessings, was moving.

Morah Ada and I couldn’t be prouder of our students. Their eagerness to engage with the traditions of Pesach, and their willingness to learn and participate wholeheartedly fills us with immense joy and gratitude.These moments remind us of the beauty and importance of passing down traditions to the next generation.

As we approach Pesach, our hearts are full of gratitude for the opportunity to share such a meaningful experience with our children. They are truly ready to embrace the spirit of the holiday and carry its traditions forward with love and reverence.

Chag Pesach Sameach to all! May this Passover season be filled with blessings, joy, and the warmth of family and community.








Posted in Jewish Studies

Distance Learning Charoset Making

What a fun start to our day.
We will definitely need to continue cooking/baking together during our distance learning together.

My husband had so much fun joining us and together with you, the students and their parents, learn Ivrit while making charoset for Pesach.

A few of you already toldwrote me you will make it again during the holiday.

Now put your thinking caps on, what other simple recipes would you like to make together? If you have an idea let me know in the comments or email me the recipe (Try to figure out the words for the ingredients in Hebrew).

Have a lovely day,