Posted in General Studies, Jewish Studies, Making Global Connections, Ruach

A Grade One Update

It’s time for another exciting update from our  classroom! Here’s a glimpse of what we’ve been up to lately:


 Our first graders have been exploring the world of storytelling through Reader’s Theatre. The students enjoyed practicing their lines and making a little movie of their play. What a creative process!

 One of the highlights of our recent weeks was our third Zoom call with students in Israel. It was an incredible experience as our children shared their unique superpowers, sparking laughter and joy across the screen. Guess what? We had a surprise during our event – one of our super-talented students treated us to an impromptu tap dance performance! Moreh David, who joined us during the call, added to the fun by playing a song for the children to sing. It’s heartwarming to witness how music and connection transcend physical boundaries, even in virtual settings.


We have been learning about energy in our science lessons, exploring its fascinating world. Recently, we conducted an energy hunt around the school premises, which was an exciting hands-on experience for our young scientists. During the hunt, they discovered that the library has the most outlets, plugs, and light switches in the school.

Coding has become a favourite activity in our classroom, thanks to our friend Botley, the robot! Our first graders have practiced their coding and problem-solving skills while unleashing creativity through interactive challenges with Botley. Their enthusiasm for STEM learning is infectious.

Recognizing the contributions of others is an integral part of our classroom culture. We decided to honour our librarian, Brigitte, as the best librarian. To show our appreciation, we crafted a book filled with heartfelt messages and presented it to her.

The children brought a burst of joy to Dr. Mitzmacher’s office as they visited to wish him an early happy birthday. With excitement bubbling in their hearts, they filled the space with laughter and well wishes. Little did they know that Dr. Mitzmacher’s office could comfortably hold exactly 21 children, a fact that added an extra layer of fun to their visit.

It was also a chance to say good-bye to Dr. Mitzmacher as well. He told us he would miss his lunch duty with 1B but that he would visit us at the new primary campus for Kabbalat Shabbat. We joked that we should let all the Grade One parents know their children were sent to the office on Friday. 🙂


We created a beautiful banner for the hallway, bidding farewell to our beloved school as we eagerly anticipate the adventures awaiting us at our new primary campus.



Posted in General Studies, Grade 1 Reading, Making Global Connections

Global Read Aloud

What is Global Read Aloud?


The premise is simple; we pick a book from the Picture Book Author Study (this year the author is Duncan Tonatiuh) to read aloud to our students during a set 6-week period and during that time we try to make global connections.  This year we have chosen to connect with just one school, Yavneh Academy in Paramus, New Jersey.  Our first book, Dear Primo, A Letter to My Cousin we zoomed with Yavneh Academy and shared how we compared our lives to that of one of the main characters, Carlitos.


We took the time to comment on their work that they posted on Seesaw and this week we are excited to see their comments on the legends we created as a class. We were inspired to write a legend after we read The Princess and the Warrior 

We talked about what a legend is and then attempted to create our very first class legend. Each class wrote their own legend, 1A wrote a legend on How The Elephant Got His Trunk and 1B wrote a legend How The Snail Got His Shell.

Please take the time to comment on our work as these comments will help us grow as a writer.