Posted in French

Bonnes Vacances!

Chers parents,

We are pleased to report that the Grade One children are wrapping up this first semester with much accomplished! From solidifying their knowledge of vowels, practicing their French part for the Hanukkah performance, to becoming familiar with Hanukkah terms en français through various writing, reading and hands-on activities, these children have been working hard and are ready for a well-deserved break!

Here are a few examples of Grade 1 students in conversation…


The children in action: reviewing vowels with play dough, preparing/making their Hanukkah booklets and creating beautiful Hanukkah cards!



Joyeux Hanoukka et bonnes vacances!

Madame Maryse et Madame Efi

Posted in French

Tell me,and I forget,teach me,and I may remember,involve me and I LEARN!!!!

Salut les parents,

After the Holidays we continued practicing the colours, as well as Fall vocabulary.  We have added verbalizing numbers and reciting a poem about the Fall.  We also kept on practicing the vowels A,O,I, and we are now moving into learning the last two vowels E and U before starting les sons composes.  In addition, we learnt the expression “Je vois” (I see) in order to describe pictures and things they see around them during the Fall season. We are so proud to hear them making simple sentences with the vocabulary they already know like colours, numbers, school and Fall and also read words more fluently. We even did a math activity in French adding and subtracting. Doing puzzles, playing French games helps them practice, learn and have fun! Enjoy the videos!!!!

Posted in 1A, 1B, French

French Class Update

Chers Parents, 

Hope you have been enjoying working with your children on the French reading sheets that we have been sending home. We appreciate your help in creating some space at home for your child to review the vowel letter sounds that we are working on at school.  We want to ensure that your child has a strong grasp of the vowel sounds as this is one of building blocks for successful reading and writing in French.  If you have any questions regarding supporting your child with French at home, please do not hesitate to contact us! 

Here’s an update on what’s been happening in our French Program:

Vowel Work: We have moved from getting familiar with the sound A, to working with the sound O.  The children are learning words with each of the target sounds and are doing many different listening, writing and reading games and exercises to integrate these sounds.


Vocabulary Development: In order for the children to be able to follow the class instructions and express themselves in French, we have been reviewing the vocabulary for school materials and common classroom words and phrases.  They have also been doing some exercises to review the names of the colors.  To raise the level of challenge we combine the vocabulary categories, and say to a child: Donne-moi un crayon rouge, apporte-moi quatre marqueurs, range les ciseaux, etc.

Jewish Holidays: Where possible, we like to make a place for the Jewish Holidays and rituals in our French classes.  This is an opportunity for the children to live their Jewish experience in a French context.  For Rosh Hashanah, the children made cards and collages and learned the names of the Rosh Hashanah treats in French!

Song: With the Fall season here, we have been singing and acting out the following fun song and today the children drew a picture showing Michaud going up the apple tree and wrote their first sentence in French: Michaud est monté dans un grand pommier. 





Posted in French

Ignite the shine 1A and 1B

Bonjour Grade 1A and Grade 1B Parents!  Can you believe another school year is upon us?  If you don’t already know me, my name is Madame Efi Mouchou. This is my 3rd year at OJCS and this year along with Madame Maryse we look forward to forming relationships and teaching your kiddos. It has been a pleasure working with your children, and we have seen so much growth and learning already in the short amount of time we have had together. These past 2 weeks we have spent time getting to know each other and establishing the classroom rules. We played games reviewing the letters of the alphabet, and practicing the calendar. We did some writing activities with the letter A, we read lots of books and we started learning songs and poems. The focus has been on the vowel A together with consonants such as, ma, ta, sa, pa, cha etc. Those kids even started forming words by putting the syllables together, isn’t that amazing?  Also when we do attendance, we ask them how they feel and they give their answer in french as you can see in the videos attached ( Felix,Liana,Wesly,Bella,Franky,Jacob). Our little stars shine bright every day and we all look ahead to an exciting school year!  We are looking forward to seeing you all at the back-to-school night.


Posted in French

Welcome back!Bienvenue en premiere annee

Bonjour chers parents!

My name is Efi Mouchou and I will be the French teacher this year. I am Greek and my husband is a Greek diplomat. As a diplomat’s wife, I have the opportunity to travel around the world, work in different settings and enrich my life in so many ways. I have worked in both elementary and middle school, teaching English, French and preparing students for exams such as Delf and Cambridge. I love challenging my students with realistic goals; my motto is that every child can thrive as long as he or she feels genuinely loved and safe. I am looking forward to meeting you all at the back to school night!
So let’s all have an exciting and productive school year!!!!!!!!!
Posted in French

Summer blog

Salut les parents!

I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt thanks for your support throughout this school year. Your collaboration and involvement have greatly contributed to the success of your child and the positive atmosphere in our classroom. Have a wonderful summer and enjoy your kiddos as much as you can!!

Posted in French

A school where fun never ends!

Salut chers parents!

The school is buzzing right now! There has been so much activity lately at the school and students are shining. Kids enjoyed spending a morning with their grandparents doing fun activities in all three languages, and they proudly showed them their work. For Mother’s Day, they made beautiful cards with wishes in French, and we read how people celebrate this special day in other countries. They keep practicing their reading and writing skills every day so that they can review all the new vocabulary such as spring,animals,food and of course the sounds. I have to admit that my kiddos never cease to amaze me with the way they read.I can never get enough of their reading!They also use more and more French in class,which is impressive. We are currently learning about the prepositions Sur,Sous,Dans,Devant,Derriere and we play a lot of games using them. Have a look for yourselves at the beautiful things happening in our class.

Also dads please stop sneaking in the fridge at  night!Ha,ha,ha,ha

Posted in French

Nurturing Language skills in the classroom!

Bonjour chers parents!

In our grade 1 French class,every day is a celebration of the language whether it is a Jews or French holiday,the students through games,songs,poems,stories,cartoons and fun activities are engaged and continue their journey of exploring the beauty of the language and getting more and more confident. So let’s see how our kiddos embrace spring!


Posted in French

Le printemps EST ici! Or maybe not?

The students had another two weeks of great learning at the OJCS. Spring is finally here at least inside the school hahaha so we started exploring the vocabulary and the next 2 weeks we will be reading stories and short poems, we will be creating sentences with the words and doing fun and  educational activities. Regarding the sounds, the students completed a quiz on OI,CH,OU,EU,ON with great success and they were so excited when they made their own sentences. Kids need to have ownership over their learning. These kids respond well to challenges so this week we are diving into the sounds of E,EZ,AI,ER,ET. We also visited the SK since our little friends finished learning some letters so Grade 1 had the chance to read the words the SK had written in their booklet. As we are slowly heading to the end of the school year, I see my stars truly SHINE!. Their talent to switch from Hebrew to French and vice versa is staggering. They learn from me, and I learn from them!!!!!!

Posted in French, General Studies, Jewish Studies, Ruach

Ruach week in pictures :)


They say a picture is worth a thousand words. The pictures below speak for themselves. Grade One enjoyed Ruach Week to the fullest.


    The Reading of the Megillah



A Purim Fashion Show

 We took our Fashion Show on the Road

  Visiting the Purim Carnival 

Collaborative Purim Activities

Tacky Tuesday










Wild West Wednesday

We even learned to line dance!

 Pyjama Day

We must have been so cozy and sleepy that we forgot to take pictures. 🙂