Posted in French

A school where fun never ends!

Salut chers parents!

The school is buzzing right now! There has been so much activity lately at the school and students are shining. Kids enjoyed spending a morning with their grandparents doing fun activities in all three languages, and they proudly showed them their work. For Mother’s Day, they made beautiful cards with wishes in French, and we read how people celebrate this special day in other countries. They keep practicing their reading and writing skills every day so that they can review all the new vocabulary such as spring,animals,food and of course the sounds. I have to admit that my kiddos never cease to amaze me with the way they read.I can never get enough of their reading!They also use more and more French in class,which is impressive. We are currently learning about the prepositions Sur,Sous,Dans,Devant,Derriere and we play a lot of games using them. Have a look for yourselves at the beautiful things happening in our class.

Also dads please stop sneaking in the fridge at  night!Ha,ha,ha,ha

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