Posted in French

Summer blog

Salut les parents!

I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt thanks for your support throughout this school year. Your collaboration and involvement have greatly contributed to the success of your child and the positive atmosphere in our classroom. Have a wonderful summer and enjoy your kiddos as much as you can!!

Posted in French

A school where fun never ends!

Salut chers parents!

The school is buzzing right now! There has been so much activity lately at the school and students are shining. Kids enjoyed spending a morning with their grandparents doing fun activities in all three languages, and they proudly showed them their work. For Mother’s Day, they made beautiful cards with wishes in French, and we read how people celebrate this special day in other countries. They keep practicing their reading and writing skills every day so that they can review all the new vocabulary such as spring,animals,food and of course the sounds. I have to admit that my kiddos never cease to amaze me with the way they read.I can never get enough of their reading!They also use more and more French in class,which is impressive. We are currently learning about the prepositions Sur,Sous,Dans,Devant,Derriere and we play a lot of games using them. Have a look for yourselves at the beautiful things happening in our class.

Also dads please stop sneaking in the fridge at  night!Ha,ha,ha,ha

Posted in French

Nurturing Language skills in the classroom!

Bonjour chers parents!

In our grade 1 French class,every day is a celebration of the language whether it is a Jews or French holiday,the students through games,songs,poems,stories,cartoons and fun activities are engaged and continue their journey of exploring the beauty of the language and getting more and more confident. So let’s see how our kiddos embrace spring!


Posted in French

Le printemps EST ici! Or maybe not?

The students had another two weeks of great learning at the OJCS. Spring is finally here at least inside the school hahaha so we started exploring the vocabulary and the next 2 weeks we will be reading stories and short poems, we will be creating sentences with the words and doing fun and  educational activities. Regarding the sounds, the students completed a quiz on OI,CH,OU,EU,ON with great success and they were so excited when they made their own sentences. Kids need to have ownership over their learning. These kids respond well to challenges so this week we are diving into the sounds of E,EZ,AI,ER,ET. We also visited the SK since our little friends finished learning some letters so Grade 1 had the chance to read the words the SK had written in their booklet. As we are slowly heading to the end of the school year, I see my stars truly SHINE!. Their talent to switch from Hebrew to French and vice versa is staggering. They learn from me, and I learn from them!!!!!!

Posted in French

A peek into grade 1

Alors les amis, we celebrated la Francophonie. There are  thousands of reasons why we love the french language: it is smooth, rich, and flowing: we love speaking french because, with its nasal vowels and melodious intonation, it sounds very musical to a non-native ear. We want to learn French because it is also called the language of love, cooking, fashion, theater, visual arts, dance, and architecture.

During la francofête at our school, we had the pleasure to admire all the students from JK-grade 8 sing, dance, act, and recite poems in french!!!! All the teachers worked hard to make that happen. The students were proud of themselves, and their energy and passion were evident throughout the afternoon. During the week of the francophonie, we read books, heard stories, watched movies, played games, learned the ten magic words, and tasted french treats.  My amazing kiddos learnt the benefits of doing sports and shared their ideas during the celebration. We continue learning the sounds. They have mastered OI,OU,CH,ON, and this week we are starting working on EU. Have I told you how much they love quizzes? Well they are about to do a big one on all the sounds and vocabulary they know already. They take huge pride in their work and their faces glow when they see the results. Also this week we had the opportunity to visit the SK and our kiddos read to them words starting with the letters C and D. They are delight to teach and their enthusiasm to learn is lovely to see.

A très bientôt!


Posted in French

Learning never ends!

The kids have been working beautifully, enriching their vocabulary, improving their writing, and practicing speaking French.  We worked on the winter vocabulary, and we learned everything that is associated with the snow like winter clothes,sports etc.  They played charades, memory games, and puzzles to help them remember the words. Going outdoors during recess gave them the opportunity to practice the vocabulary as well as doing activities with their reading buddies.  We also had our first quiz on the vowels.They are very proud of themselves and they are asking me when they have the next one which will be on the new sounds. We are continuing with our complex sounds like CH and OI, and the best way to practice is by doing ‘Je lis’ regularly. I insist on them listening to the story many times before recording so they pronounce the words correctly. I am happy to see that they have become more comfortable with common words like Voici, C’est, Mon, Regarde, etc. Right now we are practicing using EST  when we make small sentences combining the vocabulary we already know. Thank you for all your effort and support on our journey.I hope you enjoyed your kiddos’ presentations I sent you.


Posted in French

Joyeuse Hanukkah!

Salut les parents!

What an exciting month December has been!!! It is so interesting to observe different celebrations and spend quality time with our loved ones. In class, we worked on the theme, Hanukkah. The students got familiar with the new vocabulary through games, stories, songs, word searches, mazes, decoding sentences, bingo games and writing activities.  Finally they did once again a wonderful presentation and they sang beautifully during the school event. In addition,we keep working on our letters and  vowels and I must admit that I am very happy with their progress. The more they read and practice, the better they become. After the holidays, they will get their Je lis accounts so they can start reading simple stories which  will help them improve their fluency and remember vocabulary.

Posted in French

Videos speak louder than words!

Salut les parents!

Another 2 and a half exciting weeks full of learning and fun is over.  The students proudly recited the poem “Voici mon coquelicot” during the Remembrance Day ceremony.  Apart from that, they also learned the song ,”Mon beau coquelicot”.  We did different exercises where the students had to put the missing first letter of the word after hearing me say the word.  That exercise develops both their listening and writing skills.  In addition, I was reading different sentences to them with already familiar vocabulary and expressions, and they had to match them with the correct photo. Regarding the vocabulary,they started learning the shapes so now when they describe an object,they can give me more details.We also continued practicing the vowel A combined with other letters and last week they learnt another poem related to numbers “Un,deux,trois”.Poems are catchy,repetitive and help students learn vocabulary and pronunciation. In addition, I love how they describe photos from the Taoki book.What makes me really proud is to see them fully engaged with a huge enthusiasm to learn.That drive for taking risks and acquiring new knowledge is what makes my GRADE 1 so so special! Je vous adore mes anges!Enjoy the videos.

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Posted in French

Tell me,and I forget,teach me,and I may remember,involve me and I LEARN!!!!

Salut les parents,

This week we continued practicing the colours, as well as fall vocabulary.  We have added verbalizing numbers and reciting 3 poems about the colours. The students also made beautiful cards for one school in Israel  with french wishes.  We also kept on practicing the vowels A,O,I,E,U  and we learnt the expression ‘Il y a’ (there is)  which the kids used along with the sentence “Je vois” (I see) in order to describe what they see in a picture that I showed them.I was so proud to hear them using these two sentences with the vocabulary they already know like colours,numbers school and fall.Doing puzzles,playing french games and wordwall games with their reading buddies help them practice,learn and have fun.

This week’s challenge: To learn a poem for Remembrance Day!