Posted in French

A peek into grade 1

Alors les amis, we celebrated la Francophonie. There are  thousands of reasons why we love the french language: it is smooth, rich, and flowing: we love speaking french because, with its nasal vowels and melodious intonation, it sounds very musical to a non-native ear. We want to learn French because it is also called the language of love, cooking, fashion, theater, visual arts, dance, and architecture.

During la francofête at our school, we had the pleasure to admire all the students from JK-grade 8 sing, dance, act, and recite poems in french!!!! All the teachers worked hard to make that happen. The students were proud of themselves, and their energy and passion were evident throughout the afternoon. During the week of the francophonie, we read books, heard stories, watched movies, played games, learned the ten magic words, and tasted french treats.  My amazing kiddos learnt the benefits of doing sports and shared their ideas during the celebration. We continue learning the sounds. They have mastered OI,OU,CH,ON, and this week we are starting working on EU. Have I told you how much they love quizzes? Well they are about to do a big one on all the sounds and vocabulary they know already. They take huge pride in their work and their faces glow when they see the results. Also this week we had the opportunity to visit the SK and our kiddos read to them words starting with the letters C and D. They are delight to teach and their enthusiasm to learn is lovely to see.

A très bientôt!


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