Posted in General Studies, Jewish Studies, Making Global Connections, Ruach

A Grade One Update

It’s time for another exciting update from our  classroom! Here’s a glimpse of what we’ve been up to lately:


 Our first graders have been exploring the world of storytelling through Reader’s Theatre. The students enjoyed practicing their lines and making a little movie of their play. What a creative process!

 One of the highlights of our recent weeks was our third Zoom call with students in Israel. It was an incredible experience as our children shared their unique superpowers, sparking laughter and joy across the screen. Guess what? We had a surprise during our event – one of our super-talented students treated us to an impromptu tap dance performance! Moreh David, who joined us during the call, added to the fun by playing a song for the children to sing. It’s heartwarming to witness how music and connection transcend physical boundaries, even in virtual settings.


We have been learning about energy in our science lessons, exploring its fascinating world. Recently, we conducted an energy hunt around the school premises, which was an exciting hands-on experience for our young scientists. During the hunt, they discovered that the library has the most outlets, plugs, and light switches in the school.

Coding has become a favourite activity in our classroom, thanks to our friend Botley, the robot! Our first graders have practiced their coding and problem-solving skills while unleashing creativity through interactive challenges with Botley. Their enthusiasm for STEM learning is infectious.

Recognizing the contributions of others is an integral part of our classroom culture. We decided to honour our librarian, Brigitte, as the best librarian. To show our appreciation, we crafted a book filled with heartfelt messages and presented it to her.

The children brought a burst of joy to Dr. Mitzmacher’s office as they visited to wish him an early happy birthday. With excitement bubbling in their hearts, they filled the space with laughter and well wishes. Little did they know that Dr. Mitzmacher’s office could comfortably hold exactly 21 children, a fact that added an extra layer of fun to their visit.

It was also a chance to say good-bye to Dr. Mitzmacher as well. He told us he would miss his lunch duty with 1B but that he would visit us at the new primary campus for Kabbalat Shabbat. We joked that we should let all the Grade One parents know their children were sent to the office on Friday. 🙂


We created a beautiful banner for the hallway, bidding farewell to our beloved school as we eagerly anticipate the adventures awaiting us at our new primary campus.



Posted in Jewish Studies, Ruach

Our Model Seder

Yesterday afternoon was truly magical as the grade one classes came together for a beautiful mock Seder. Led by the incredible Morah Ada, our little ones embarked on a journey through the Passover story with such grace and enthusiasm that it filled the room with warmth and joy.

Morah Ada’s dedication and preparation shone through as she guided the children seamlessly through the songs and blessings, ensuring they understood the significance of each step. It was heartwarming to witness how well they sang and recited, embodying the spirit of the Seder with their innocent voices filling the air.

The tables were adorned with the sweetest touch, as the children had lovingly prepared placemats and Haggadahs, each a testament to their eagerness to learn and participate. Watching them take ownership of the Seder, from setting the table to leading the blessings, was moving.

Morah Ada and I couldn’t be prouder of our students. Their eagerness to engage with the traditions of Pesach, and their willingness to learn and participate wholeheartedly fills us with immense joy and gratitude.These moments remind us of the beauty and importance of passing down traditions to the next generation.

As we approach Pesach, our hearts are full of gratitude for the opportunity to share such a meaningful experience with our children. They are truly ready to embrace the spirit of the holiday and carry its traditions forward with love and reverence.

Chag Pesach Sameach to all! May this Passover season be filled with blessings, joy, and the warmth of family and community.








Posted in Jewish Studies, Ruach

Visits to Hillel Lodge

After three heartwarming visits to Hillel Lodge, Kitah Alef students have become a part of something special. These visits have been more than just outings—they’ve been journeys of the heart, where young hearts and wise souls meet, share, and grow together.

The joy of leading a Oneg Shabbat! With Morah Ada’s guidance, they’ve learned not just about welcoming Shabbat but the warmth and unity of celebrating together. Baking matzah for Passover? It’s not just about flour and water—it’s about the magic of creating something meaningful that connects them to their heritage in a tangible way.

These experiences have transformed our little ones in many ways. They’ve discovered the power of their voices, speaking as they lead activities. They’ve felt the warmth of contributing to a community, knowing that even their small actions can bring immense joy to others.

Children benefit from these visits; elderly residents also see them like rays of sunshine. The youthful energy that fills the room brings warmth, lifts spirits, and reminds them that they are valued members of a vibrant community.

As they quiz the students about their knowledge of Jewish traditions, their hearts swell with pride at the depth of understanding displayed by Kitah Alef.

These visits aren’t just about social interaction—they’re about building a legacy of empathy, compassion, and understanding across generations. They’re about instilling a sense of purpose and responsibility, teaching them that even small acts of kindness can make the world brighter.



We have loved each visit at Hillel Lodge.

The Grade One Team


Posted in General Studies

For the Love of Reading

 Boost Reading Homework

Boost Reading login cards will be coming home in your child’s note totes today. They are encouraged to work on Boost Reading a few times a week for approximately 10 minutes a session. Boost Reading aligns with the online reading assessments we do on Amplify Reading.

Students need to complete each activity independently. Your child can have fun playing the Boost games and improve their reading skills at the same time.

We have been doing Boost reading at school and the children enjoy playing the games. We hope they have fun at home too!

 March Magic with Novel Effect



1A laughed, giggled and absolutely adored The Book With No Pictures. 1B was enthralled with We are Water Protectors. They loved the accompanying soundscape with running water and crackling fire. Several students chose to read the book in a quiet corner of the class when they had a few extra minutes.

It was so much taking part in this global reading event. The children enjoyed listening to all the different books and voting for their favourite stories. Each class really loved their champion book. I love that each class connected with such different books


                                                       The Global March Madness winner was The Day the Crayons Quit.  



                                                            ” The more you read the more you learn.” 

We love to read everyday in class! some days we read with a partner, or a small group, with the teacher or by ourselves. Would you believe that a favourite partner reading spot is under my desk reading? 😊

Looking for some great stories to listen to? Check out this link to our new Reading Library 

Posted in French, General Studies, Jewish Studies, Ruach

Ruach week in pictures :)


They say a picture is worth a thousand words. The pictures below speak for themselves. Grade One enjoyed Ruach Week to the fullest.


    The Reading of the Megillah



A Purim Fashion Show

 We took our Fashion Show on the Road

  Visiting the Purim Carnival 

Collaborative Purim Activities

Tacky Tuesday










Wild West Wednesday

We even learned to line dance!

 Pyjama Day

We must have been so cozy and sleepy that we forgot to take pictures. 🙂


Posted in Math, Science

Grade One Update


                                                                                          Innovation Day

Our Innovation Day projects, were inspired by the book Make Way for Animals! A World of Wildlife Crossings by Meeg Pincus. Special thanks go to Brigitte, our librarian, for suggesting this book as a starting point for our projects.

We read Make Way for Animals and learned about wildlife crossings in different parts of the world. As a class, we wondered if we could create wildlife crossings to help animals cross busy roads safely. The students were excited; they chose specific animals to help and began designing a wildlife crossing.

The challenge was to design and build a structure to help animals cross busy roads. All projects needed to be strong enough to hold 100 g and be at least 30 cm long.

The students were allowed to work independently or with a partner for the project. The class got busy planning, designing, cutting cardboard, and gluing. Many designs changed during the building process, but ultimately, the students met with success. The children worked on their structures and helped classmates as building problems arose. One of our north stars, “We Learn Better Together,” was put into practice. Students demonstrated patience and perseverance and were proud of their accomplishments.


Innovation Day was exciting; thank you to everyone who came to our class. Showing the projects to the parents and grandparents was lots of fun. Now, students want to keep building and planning with more STEM challenges. As a teacher, I admit these challenges are so much fun.

                                                                              The Scientific Process
                                                                                     Our Final Projects




















Posted in General Studies

The latest from Grade One

                             March Madness

March Madness has arrived in our classroom, and it’s not just about basketball. We’re exploring the world of books with the help of the Novel Effect app. The app creates beautiful soundscapes that play with the teacher’s voice, making story time more engaging and interactive for the students. The four brackets are Women’s History, Spring has Sprung, Guaranteed Giggles, and Award Winners – with each having its unique selection of books. The children are thoroughly enjoying the daily books and even get to vote on their favorites.

We will be sure to share the book that is declared champion.



                                          Innovation Day

Students are keeping busy with their projects for Innovation Day. They are really putting in the effort, collaborating and designing their projects to make them the best they can be. Building something from scratch can be a real challenge, but it’s also a great opportunity to learn new skills and collaborate with others.


                                     Special Guest


Today we had a special guest visit our class. She also happens to be a mom of two students in our classes. We learned how the how Canada helps refugees. We even got special little bags from one of her trips. It was a very special way to end the week.