Posted in 1A, 1B, General Studies

Innovation Day!

Innovation Day in 1A

Our Innovation Day projects have been inspired by the book Make Way for Animals! A World of Wildlife Crossings by Meeg Pincus.

The students’ challenge was to design and build a structure to help animals cross busy roads. All projects needed to be strong enough to hold 100 g, and at least 30 cm long.

The class got busy planning, designing, cutting cardboard, and gluing. Many designs changed during the building process, but ultimately they all worked. Students practiced their patience and perseverance and were proud of their accomplishments.



Innovation Day was exciting. Showing the projects to the parents and other classes was lots of fun. Now the students want to keep building and planning with more STEM challenges. As a teacher I have to admit these challenges are so much fun.

Innovation Day in 1B

This year for Innovation Day, the grade 1s were inspired by the story “Make Way for Animals” by Meeg Pincus. Students were so excited and interested in learning about different bridges, underpasses, and creations that help animals to safely cross the road so we thought why not create our own inventions!


The challenge: design and build a structure to help animals safely cross the road. Students were challenged with having their inventions stand by themselves and hold 100g. Students got busy planning, designing, cutting cardboard, and gluing. Many of their designs changed throughout the process, but in the end they all created amazing structures!


Innovation day came quickly and the students were so excited to show off their projects to teachers, parents, and other OJCS students. We even got to tour the school and learn about the different projects other students did as well. It was so fun to explore the projects around the school!

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