Posted in 1A, 1B, General Studies

Building, Mapping and Collaborating in 1A

Building, Mapping and Collaborating in 1A

Collaboration is a learning skill that all grade one students work on throughout the year. Working and communicating with different partners and small groups takes lots of patience.

Teachers help students navigate any problems or conflicts as they arise. They arrange for students to work with different classmates throughout the year to practice communicating and collaborating.

In Social Studies, students started creating maps with a partner. Each group created a community map and presented it to the class.

The class had so much fun creating their communities that we decided to work all together to create one community. Each student chose a specific community helper to research. They also needed to make the community building each helper worked at. The ER doctor built a hospital, while the principal and teacher made a school and playground together.


Student Zev Delilah Rachel Levi Ilay Aliyah & Maia Miles Nate Emma
Community Helper Vet Vet Postmaster Farmer Chef & Restaurant Owner Teacher & Principal Policeman Firefighter ER Doctor
Community Building Animal Hospital Animal Shelter Post Office Barn&Farm Restaurant School & Playground Police Station Fire Station Hospital

The students researched and wrote about their community helper’s role and responsibilities. They presented their findings to the class. They designed and created community buildings. Together they decided on symbols for the map key and worked on mapping the 3D community.


The collaboration I have seen over the last few weeks has been terrific. The children have been so supportive and encouraging with each other. Best of all, the children had so much fun.


Memories of our year in 1A

It was a wonderful year in 1A! The Grade One team loved teaching these amazing students.

Here is a link to the Summer Learning Resource page

Dear 1B Students, 

It has been an incredible experience watching each and every one of you grow, learn, and evolve into the amazing individuals you are today. I am SO proud of each of you and the progress you have made throughout this year. Thank you for being such a wonderful group of students and for making this year so fun and memorable. Your enthusiasm, curiosity, and dedication have made my role as your teacher an absolute joy. You have inspired me with your hard work and determination, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to be a part of your educational journey. 

Dear Parents,

It has been an absolute joy to watch your children grow both academically and socially this year. Thank you for all of your support throughout this school year. It has been an honour and a privilege to be your child’s teacher this year and I want to thank you for entrusting me with their education and growth. 

Summer is upon us and it is time to recharge our batteries by taking time to enjoy our family and friends. Whatever way you choose to embrace the summer months, we hope it is filled with fun and laughter. As I have stated in your child’s report card, here are things to use at your discretion to strengthen their understanding of a particular concept or improve their reading and math fluency.

From Ms. Karissa


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