Posted in Jewish Studies Reading

Hebrew Homework Begins

HOMEWORK IS HERE AND WE ARE EXCITED (and a little nervous)

laptop reading

Really! You should have seen the excitement when I told them they will be bringing homework home this coming week. 

Let’s do our best to 

keep up this kind of RUACH (SPIRIT). 

We have started working at school on our reading, and as of this week, I would like the children to begin practicing what we do in class at home.  I believe that to become a good reader you need to practice regularly, and reading at home allows for that.

Also, having some homework encourages the learning of how to be responsible, manage time and plan ahead; a skill that will assist them throughout their careers as students, and later in life.


Now that we have practiced reading and recording on Classkick at school, we are ready to begin our homework. 

As mentioned during our Back to School Night, the homework this year will be on Classkick. On page 1 there is an attachment to a PDF file if your preference is for your child to read it from printed pages. You can print the 

booklet and use that for homework. If you do, please sign the page he/she read and send it to school with him/her. You can also email me and I am happy to print the booklet for your child to take home daily. If you are not a Hebrew reader and cannot support your child in reading correctly, I encourage you to use the classkick for them to listen and read along with me, while their eyes are on, and finger/pointer is under, the written word.  

The links for the homework will always be found in the Weekly Homework Slide on the blog.

This week we begin with 3 pages:

  • Tues: P. 7 (ב/ו)

  • Wednesday: P. 8 (ג)

  • Thursday: P. 9 (ד)



There is a recording at the bottom of the page to help review it. In order to use it best, encourage your child to use their finger to follow along as s/he listens and repeats the sounds and words. 

The children are encouraged to record themselves as they read daily; however, the requirement is to record twice a week.

Know that if it takes your child too long, they do not require to read the whole page, but rather a few lines. If that is the case, please mark up to where they read.

If your child does not record daily, I ask that you sign the page on the Classkick. Click on the T (Text) or use the pencil option. You bring it to the Signature line and type/sign with a stylus or finger. Once homework is done (includes recording or signature), remind your child to press on the green hand to show me it is complete. 

There is an explanation about using CLasskick under the Back to School Videos in our blog. 

Finally, I want to remind you, this should not take more than 5-10 minutes at the most. Please let me know if it is taking too long. 

Happy Reading,

Morah Ada. 🙂

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