Posted in 1A, French, General Studies

French and General Studies Update

Salut Grade 1 Parents!

The last two weeks we have been talking about winter clothes and we have been doing different fun activities so that the children can remember the new vocabulary. It goes without saying that we regularly review previous words such as the colours, the numbers, the days etc.  Next  week we are learning the geometrical shapes. As far as reading is concerned, I follow their reading daily insisting on the correct pronunciation and the meaning of the words. In addition, I read with each one of them almost every day in order to boost their confidence. Since they are familiar with the books in Je lis, I started giving them simple  comprehension activities related to the stories so they get the chance to see, write and read the words again. Regarding the sounds, we have started exploring the complex ones like U, and OU and we will continue doing so because once they can recognise them, their reading will improve considerably. I strongly encourage you to go over the sheets they bring home when you have some free time, or even when you are out, and you see a sign in french ask them to identify any sound they know.  The great thing about Canada is that everything is written in both languages so even a simple walk to the supermarket can be a learning experience. Don’t forget that repetition is the mother of learning.



General Studies in 1A

Treasure Hunt

Excitement filled the halls on Tuesday as the class participated in a well-earned treasure hunt. Each clue had the children reading and walking around the school. The children loved discovering and walking through the maze. The treasure was found and divvied up amongst the class. I think I loved it as much as the children.


Groundhog Day

The students made their Spring predictions for Groundhog Day on Thursday. We then watched how Wiarton Willie and Punxsutawney Phil predicted an early Spring and a late Spring, respectively. The class predictions showed most of the class thinking it will be a late Spring.




The children have been busy working on addition and subtraction facts this week.  On Thursday, we practised math facts by playing fun math games. Quinn, our school social worker, even joined in on the fun.


Team Building Activity

How does a class finish off the week on a bitterly cold day with no outdoor recess? You get together with 1B to do a team-building activity. Ms. Karissa challenged the children to pass a hula hoop around the circle while holding hands with each other. The students did it as one big group and then made two smaller circles to move the hula hoop. Two Grade six students came to help the classes with this activity. It was so much fun!

Posted in 1B, French

French Update and Chag Chanukah!

Salut les parents!

What an exciting month December has been!!! We are all looking forward to observing different celebrations and spending quality time with our loved ones. In class, we started our theme, Winter. The students got familiar with the new vocabulary through games, poems, songs, and writing activities. We keep working on our letters and sounds, and I must admit that I am happy with their recordings. The more they read and practice, the better they become. After the holidays, they will also do a comprehension activity linked to each story. This will help them understand the story and remember the vocabulary. In addition, we did some math activities in french learning, plus, égale, and practicing the numbers. We also watched a show about the planets, and the kids drew Space with the names of the different planets. Finally, we explored all the vocabulary associated with the celebration of Hanukkah, and they did a word search, mazes, and decoding sentences, bingo games.


They sang beautifully in french during the school event. And as if that was not enough, I decided to expose them to Greek mythology so I read to them the story of Dedalus and Icarus the famous engineers who constructed the wings to escape from the prison in Crete, but unfortunately, the latter did not follow the father`s advice and flew very close to the sun so his wings melted and he fell in the sea and died. They were so excited! so along with the drama teacher we made the wings, and the kids decorated them with feathers. They flew only in the classroom. Thank goodness!
I wish you all happy and restful holidays!


Chag Chanukah

This week has been a beautiful week of Chanukah Celebrations and fun activities! Together with Moreh Saar we lit the candles each day at school.

On Wednesday, together with our Reading buddies in Grade 6 we made Edible Dreidels! They were so yummy! After we ate our dreidels, we read Chanukah stories together. We look forward to January for more fun with Our Reading Buddies. 

What would you do if you were trapped in a snow globe? Here’s what 1A would do!

Look at our delicious Latkes that we made! They were so yummy! While the teachers fried Latkes, the class enjoyed sharing and playing with their games from home for our Games Day!


Playing Backgammon with Moreh Saar was a popular choice for Games Day!

At this time I would like to say it has been a true joy and a pleasure to have taught your children! They made coming out of retirement and being back in the classroom a great place to be!  Thank you everyone, for being such a supportive group of parents. I’m so happy that Mrs. Bennett has healed so well and is ready to be back with the Grade 1 class.  I know how excited she is to be with your children. 

Have a safe ,happy and healthy Winter Break Everyone! 

Morah Yaffa




Posted in Uncategorised

French Update

Salut les parents!

It`s finally winter and our kiddos aiment jouer avec la neige (love playing with the snow) This week, we learned about the soft G (genou,germe etc) and the hard G (gorille,grenouille) They mastered the poem about the numbers and next week we are excited to start our new activities related to winter with more songs, poems, sentence building, stories, puzzles, etc. In addition, we worked on the expression J`AIME (I like) and they made booklets about themselves saying what color,food, and animal they like. They watch the story `Un éléphant dans la ville` and they heard the song `On  écritt sur les murs` which they adore! Thank you for your support with Je lis. I am very happy when I receive their recordings. This week, I am sending you 3 stories, the third one is optional. Take care!

Posted in French

French Update

Salut les parents,
Another exciting week full of learning and fun is over.  The students proudly recited the poem “Voici mon coquelicot” during the Remembrance Day ceremony on Friday.  Apart from that, they also learned the song ,”Mon beau coquelicot”.  We did different exercises where the students had to put the missing first letter of the word after hearing me say the word.  That exercise develops both their listening and writing skills.  In addition, I was reading different sentences to them with already familiar vocabulary and expressions, and they had to match them with the correct photo.  We also continued practicing our numbers and this week they need to learn another poem related to that.  Finally, we watched two stories in French, which they enjoyed a lot and afterwards they had to tell me what they liked the most and then draw it.
Here are the links for the stories and songs: (Mon joli coquelicot) (Le petit bout dans la chaussure)

Posted in French

French Update

Salut les parents,

This week the students listened to a song about Jour de Souvenir( Remembrance Day), entitled, ‘Mon beau Coquelicot’, coloured a poppy and practiced reciting our poem, which they will proudly present next Friday during the ceremony. We continued practicing numbers this week adding the expression “Il y a” (there is / there are). With this new expression, they made examples about what can by found in their house, for example, “il y a trois ordinateurs noirs dans ma maison”, so as you can see, we are gradually making our sentences longer. They also separated French words related to autumn into syllables and placed them in the correct basket (see pictures below). In class we always focus on sound recognition and syllable reading using the French book Taoki. Every Friday, I check the homework so I was so happy with both their dedication and your support. Your effort is highly appreciated. Every time they bring home their work, I urge you to take a few minutes and go over it together.  On Tuesday you will find in their note totes their accounts for ‘Je Lis’where I have assigned 2 books for them to read and record.

A tout a l’heure!

Posted in French

French update

Salut les parents,

This week we continued practicing the colours, as well as fall vocabulary.  We have added verbalizing numbers and reciting 3 poems about the colours. The students also made hedgehogs with real leaves and they used the letters to write different words. We also practiced the letter ‘F’ and this week we will learn the expression ‘Il y a’ (there is). In order to save you from having to record the syllables, I will work with them individually.

Next week’s challenge: To learn a poem for Remembrance Day!

Bonne weekend!

Madame Efi


Posted in French

Class Update in French

Bonsoir chers parents,

During this short week a lot of interesting things took place.The students continued to work on the colors and the fall vocabulary learning small poems and singing the songs. On Thursday, it was Global Maker Day so we had the chance to talk about recyclage(recycling), we watched 2 short films regarding the  topic and we created a poster with different color bins for the glass,metal,paper etc. 

L’eau c’est la vie | Ma petite planète chérie:

La poubelle magique | Ma petite planète chérie: 

Today,the weather was great so we went outside looking for colorful leaves,squirrels,pine cones,insects,snails,flowers etc,describing them and counting them.The kids had a lot of fun.We also practiced reading the syllable ra,ri,ry,ro,ar ir. Please check their bags everyday because I regularly send home work  we do in class so that they can color,read the words and revise them. I am also sending you the class code for Scholastic and the flyer.

                     Class Code:RC887726

Monday you will also receive the homework for the week.

A très bientôt

Shabbat Shalom!