Posted in Jewish Studies, Jewish Studies Reading, Uncategorised

A Wonderful Start… (and homework too)

What a wonderful first week we had in Kitah Alef!

We already know each other better, are settling into our daily routines, and working together on our leadership skills; being kind, helpful, patient, active listeners, turn takers, collaborators, team players, wonderful decision makers and so much more.


Starting soon, we will have two helpers every week that will be in charge of our morning routines and throughout the day if/as needed. They will also be our Imas and Abas during Shabbat; However, unlike in ADK, they will not necessarily be the ones bringing the challah that week.. Following is the link for the list of dates for when it is your child’s turn. Please mark your calendars. WE ARE STARTING THIS FRIDAY.

Is it my turn to bring in Challah or flowers/plant?

We will also begin the plant/flower rotation. We like our class looking welcoming and happy. We have a student bring flowers or a plant (one that does not require much attention please) every Monday morning. This is part of taking care of our learning environment, making it more pleasant to be in, as well as providing oxygen 😉 and often Hebrew lessons – parts of the plant, colours, etc…  This too, is on the attached list above. Please put on your calendar as well.


Really! you should have seen the excitement when I told them they are bringing homework home today. 

Lets do our best to keep up this kind of SPIRIT. 

We have started working at school on our reading, and as of today, I would like the children to begin practicing what we do in class at home.  I believe that to become a good reader you need to practice regularly, and reading at home allows for that.

Also, having some homework encourages the learning of how to be responsible, manage time and plan ahead; a skill that will assist them throughout their careers as students, and later in life.


As of today, they will be bringing home their reading booklet every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Please have your child re-read the page we are on (the one we did at school that day), then sign on the bottom and make sure they return it to their note tote, as we will use it daily at school. They can colour in the letter with pencil crayons (NO MARKERS please).

This week’s sounds will be:

  1. Monday, Sep 9 – Ah and Bah/B
  2. Tuesday, Sep 10 – Shah/Sh and Lah/L
  3. Wednesday, Sep 11 – Tah/T
  4. Thursday, Sep 12 – Sah/S

As mentioned in Kitah Alef blog, they should not have more than 30 minutes of overall homework per day, so please keep me in the loop as to how this is working out for your child. Best is to write a little note in the reading book itself, as I look over it daily, and provide those signed with a stamp or sticker ;).

Know that if it takes your child too long, they do not require to read the whole page, but rather a few lines.  if that is the case, please mark up to where they read.

Finally, please make sure they follow with their finger (or the back of a pencil) as they read.  This will assist greatly as the reading becomes more challenging.

Thank you so much.

Happy reading,

Morah Ada


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Here are links you can use throughout the summer. to practice some of what we learned… 🙂

  1. Quizlet – Vocabulary – Book 1
  2. Quizlet – Vocabulary – Book 2
  3. Google slides – Shabbat Table Vocabulary
  4. lined paper to practice cursive  (use the cursive blue book to see the proper formation, and copy Hebrew words or sentences from a book, magazin or from the quizlet vocabulary games)

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Final Friday

Shalom parents,

In class we are busy wrapping up the year and getting our goodbyes ready. Tomorrow is a busy day!

  1. It is our last dress down day and everyone is invited to wear their Raptors gear.
  2. It is the grade 8 vs. faculty softball game! Make sure to send hats and sunscreen.
  3. We are receiving our yearbooks and getting a chance to sign them.
  4. We are saying goodbye to our amazing Shinshinim, Inbar and LIam.
  5. AND you are all invited to our grades K-5 Kabbalat Shabbat service at 3:05! Hope to see you there!
Posted in Jewish Studies, Jewish Studies Reading, Uncategorised

Reading recordings for week of May 27th


Lach Yerushalaim – part1


Lach Yerushalaim – part2


1,2,3 Lee Sal Al Harosh


Basal Pree Rishon

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Reading Homework Continue Retell

This is what homework will look like using the same book handed out last week.

  1. Tuesday fill in box entitled-Next
  2. Wednesday fill in box entitled-Then
  3. Thursday fill in box entitled-Finally
  4. Friday fill in box entitled-Solution
  5. Remember to have your child use a pencil when completing the homework.
Posted in Jewish Studies, Jewish Studies Reading, Uncategorised

Purim Reading recordings

Happy Spirit Week!

For some strange reason the children were all missing from school today, but a group of book/movie characters came instead… We are having a fun learning day together…

I do hope to see them all back at school tomorrow…

Regardless… Homework is given only today and tomorrow, due to Ta’anit Esther, and Purim.

We will be finishing the book and read it all again at school on Wednesday. Here they are again:

  1. לכבוד פורים- מי בכיתה
  2.  ונהפוך הוא








Tuesday is Hawaii Day

Wednesday is Future Career Day

Thursday is Purim 

Friday is PJ day – they are welcome to bring their stuffies. 😉

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100th Day of School

Dear Parents,

Our class is celebrating the 100th Day of School on Tuesday, February 26th. To show our school spirit and commemorate this special day, our class is going to dress up like we are 100 years old. If your child would like to participate, it’s easy! We don’t encourage you to purchase a costume, but instead find items at home. Here a few ideas that may help your child dress the part.

                  Dress Like You’re 100 Years Old!

  • gray hair
  • hair curlers
  • glasses
  • shawl
  • robe
  • bow tie
  • gray beard
  • knee highs


Use your imagination!

Posted in Jewish Studies, Uncategorised

Practice Please…

Hi everyone,

Today’s reading homework is cancelled.

Please work with your child on practicing their parts instead. They mostly remember their part, but need a reminder of what is said before them (if you can read the Hebrew please do – or have them read it…). Also, please remind your child to speak slowly and clearly and make eye contact.

Some of the students are nervous about being in front of so many people. Please reassure them that both Morah Ada and Morah Lianna will be right there.  What I also said to the few that voiced concern is that they should imagine that it is only their Ima and Aba watching them, so I strongly recommend you have them practice at home, in front of the family – so they can visualize your response and your loving faces. 🙂

Thank you so much for all your support.

Excited for Monday,

Kitah Alef Team!

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Looking for gently used toys, small gifts or “chachkas”

Dear Parents,
Purim is coming up soon and Middle School is preparing an OJCS carnival for the day.
They are looking for small prizes to provide students.
If you have any gently used toys, small gifts, “chachkas” or anything that you think a child would enjoy to choose as a prize, please send in your items to your child’s homeroom teacher.
Thank you in advance, for your help and  support.