Posted in Jewish Studies Reading

Completeing ah sound this week

Shalom Kitah Alef families,

I am excited to let you know that as of today, we completed all of the Alef-Bet with the sound ah.  I am so very proud of my students for working so hard, together and independently, at becoming great readers. 

Bitmoji Image

This week’s homework includes the following (Recordings are in my Bitmoji Classroom):

Monday: p.19 Chaf Sofit

Tuesday: p.20 Story – Lines 1-5

Wednesday: p.20 Story – Lines 6-10

Thursday: p.20 Story – Lines 11-16

I always wonder how to better improve my teaching of reading and this past Sunday, I took part in an online zoom lecture from Israel about strategies for learning the Aleph Bet and their sounds (before getting into the vowels themselves) by Shimrit Mince – an expert for learning strategies. The lecture focused on memory supporters for letter recognition – focusing on the need to teach the letters and their sound in a way that supports both the visual and the auditory memory for the optimal recall.

It was reassuring to see that many of the strategies discussed went hand-in-hand with much of what I already do in our lessons – having the students listen to words and asking them for the opening sound (not letter), then writing/tracing the letter and finally, showing pictures of objects/animals/plants/etc  that begin with the sound learned.

Mince’s focus for students who struggle with letter recognition was to use pictures that both begin with the letter (any of the sounds/vowels at this point) and have a part that looks like it. For example for the letter Peh (פ), you show a פיל = PIL (elephant) where the trunk is rounded up into a פ.  An important aspect was that the child then needed to explain the connection (with leading questions by the teacher/parent), rather than simply told what it is. 

I like this strategy very much; however, it is a bit more complex when teaching it as second/third language, primarily because the students have an extra step – memorizing new vocabulary in order to memorize the sound AND what it looks like. I find that students remember the name of the letter faster than the name of the object, probably because their brain has only that one word for the letter but another (in English) for the object. 

For me, this is another strategy to try and incorporate when needed and when possible… something to think about… I am looking forward to her lecture about adding the voweks…

Don’t forget, a good way to practice recognizing the letters is to listen and look at the Alef-Bet song I have in my Bitmoji classroom (have your child sing it without the sound).  Repetition, repetition repetition. The song is a first step. Our aim is that they recognize the letters when not in order.

Have a lovely week.


Posted in Jewish Studies, Jewish Studies Reading

Consistent Routines = Independent Students, Consistent Reading = Independent Readers

Shalom lovely Kitah Alef families,

It is so wonderful to see how all our students are becoming more and more comforable with our daily routines. Following these clear routines from the moment they enter the classroom promotes independence and in turn pride as each child is feeling responsible for his/her own learning. I am so proud of the gains I observe on a daily basis; from organizational skills, to patience, respect of one another’s space, thinking (staying quiet while another student’s brain is working to search for information) and different needs to be a succesful student, as well as their increased language acquisition of course. 😉  

One of my loves of teaching Ivrit to Grade 1 is seeing the aquired knowledge of the language on a daily basis. It is so exciting to see the student’s faces change from looking at me like I am speaking gibberish, to intent listening and big smiles as they participate and try their best to use not only a new word or sound, but full sentences.  It is a joy when I hear them correct each other (in a respectful manner of course).  

ta daAll this to say… routines work magic…  

As in years past, I believe a more regular routine will promote stronger readers, and I believe the students are ready… so… this week I will begin sending homework 4 days a week – Monday to Thursday. As I wrote last week, please assist your child to create a homework routine that suits your family’s schedule best. One where s/he will feel they have control over and can be independently successful.


This his week’s homework includes the following sounds: Monday – Mah (מ,ם),  Tuesday – Yah (י), Wednesday – Hah (ה), Thursday – Aah (ע). See “Choveret Kreeah” (reading booklet) with recordings in my Bitmoji Classroom. In there you will also find a new area for Stories in Ivrit (hanging on the back windows) – these will change with time, as we read/listen to our weekly story in class.

Posted in Jewish Studies, Jewish Studies Reading

Hebrew Reading Homework (Oct19-23)

Hi everyone, 

laptop readingThis week We are introduced to the sounds Chah, Ch, Nah and Nh. 

Homework will come home this week on Monday (Chah) and Wednesday (Nah).

We spoke about our responsibility (with our parents’ help) to create a space and a time at home to do our homework, so it becomes part of the family routine. We came up with different ideas that may work for different families. For example, reading in the car on way home, or on way to school, reading before/after dinner, reading before/after breakfast, reading when we arrive home, etc… Whatever works best at your home will best fit your child. Please help your child in making this choice of when it works best for him/her.

Please remember to use my bitmoji classroom to listen to the reading – I do it in a pace that the children can repeat after me. It is a great tool for practicing and reviewing.

Do not forget to practice reading daily and sign at the bottom of each page.

Todah Rabah.


Posted in Jewish Studies, Jewish Studies Reading

Practicing letter Recognition in a fun way

Shalom and Chag Sameach,

Last week I introduced the children to Wordwall – It is an educational App that I was introduced to by Morah Ruthie and Morah Sigal. It is free to download for you and you can search for different games on it; however, at this point I am creating very focused games that follow what we are learning in class. They are used as review, and the students are enjoying it very much (They are actually asking to use it – woohoo).

I will be adding (and regularly changing) the different links to my Bitmoji Classroom (at top of this blog page). I will usually post the practice from the week past and the one for the coming week (in which they will not know all the vocabulary yet, but can use the letter recognition one).

I will also add this week’s letter recognition practice bellow, for quick access and as a visual  introduction for our weekly sounds/letters – Rah (ר) and Vah (ב,ו).

I am adding a reminder to send a small box to school by tomorrow for our Sukkah creation this week. Toda.  

Posted in Jewish Studies Reading

Reading Ivrit at home


As I mentioned during our back to school night, we will begin bringing our “choveret kree-ah” (reading booklet) home this week. We will start with homework twice a week. This will allow the students and you, to slowly build a routine that works best for you at your home. The children are encouraged to read the page more than once… so they can read like a teacher… ;).

  • The reading should not take more than 10 minutes (please let me know if it is taking too long).
  • Please remind your child to use his/her finger (or some kind of pointer) to read (this will come in handy as words become more complex).
  • Please sign the homework on the bottom left of the page (there is a line for signature) and remind your child to return it to his/her blue HW note tote. The booklet should return to school daily as we will be using it on a regular basis.
  • When reading with your child, please circle sounds s/he is having a difficult time with.
  • If your child read only a few lines, please put a check mark (or ask him/her to) beside the ones read.
  • To assist your child, I made recordings of the asigned pages. Please see my Bitmoji Classroom (it is also in the top menu in our blog) and press on the “booklet/link” – it will take you to the Classkick version of the Choveret Kreeah (if you have the App – The Class Code is written on the booklet/link.). Each page will have a recording to listen/read along with).

Reading is the primary homework in Grade 1. Between General studies, French and Hebrew, your child should not have more than 30 minutes of homework per evening (please inform us if this is not the case at your home). 

Happy Reading.

Posted in Jewish Studies, Start of Year Info., Uncategorised

Shanah Tovah

Hi everyone!

It is definately a different begining in Kitah Alef this year!

We are all working togerher on keeping distance and helping each other by being respectful of each other’s space, keeping our masks on, using only the tools asigned to us and so much more.  Every day we come across new situations that require ‘covid time sollutions’ and together, we figure it out… We definately have to be creative in our thought.

So far, our Kitah Alef students are demonstarting kindness, patience, respect, curiousity, and so much more that makes it a joy learn together.

We created a kindness web in a cursive Alef to remind us to always be kind… and we are already practicing acts of kindness in class and in our OJCS community…

We heard that Kitah Gimel really wanted to play on the structures so we offered to switch spaces with them on Fridays… It was so nice to see how happy we made them today.

We are slowly getting into our routines and are looking forward to meeting you all on our virtual Back to School Night and tell you some more about our year.

Shannah Tovah Umetukah Bitmoji Image

May it be a healthy year filled with family and friends.

Grade 1 team




Posted in Uncategorised

Focus – הַבַּיִת שֶׁלִי

Hello lovely Grade 1 families,

It is hard to believe that we are entering the last stretch…

The coming two weeks we will be focusing on vocabulary related to our house.

Monday we focus on the house itself – what type of rooms does it have and how many (bedroom, kitchen, basement, etc…) and sructural related vocabulary (roof, stairs, etc..). Each day after that we will focus on different rooms within the house.

Most of you are already using Quizlet, which is great; however, this week it will be used as their dictionary so I decided to imbed the flashcards and the match study modes for each below, to encourage easy access for everyone. (If you are comfortable I still recomend going to the site itself where there are more options and it is larger)

.If this is your first time using flashcards – You use the arrows to move from one card to the next, and you touch the card itself to flip it over. When written word is visual, you can tap the speaker to listen to the pronunciation of the word.

Within the assignments there are several options of how to present. Please encourage your children to use different options throughout the two weeks.

Monday –   …לַבַּיִת שֶׁלִי יֵשׁ

Tuesday – חֲפָצִים בַּחֲדַר הַשֶׁינָה

Thursday – חֲפָצִים בַּשֵׁרוּתִים

Posted in Jewish Studies Reading

Reading Recordings for April 20-24

This week’s readings include 2 songs.:

1. Yachad Lev el Lev

Reading Part 1 – Monday

Reading Part 2 – Tuesday

2. Beh’Ivrit Lo Mesha’amem

The Song:

Reading Part 1 – Wednesday

Reading Part 2 – Thursday