Posted in 1B, French

French Update and Chag Chanukah!

Salut les parents!

What an exciting month December has been!!! We are all looking forward to observing different celebrations and spending quality time with our loved ones. In class, we started our theme, Winter. The students got familiar with the new vocabulary through games, poems, songs, and writing activities. We keep working on our letters and sounds, and I must admit that I am happy with their recordings. The more they read and practice, the better they become. After the holidays, they will also do a comprehension activity linked to each story. This will help them understand the story and remember the vocabulary. In addition, we did some math activities in french learning, plus, égale, and practicing the numbers. We also watched a show about the planets, and the kids drew Space with the names of the different planets. Finally, we explored all the vocabulary associated with the celebration of Hanukkah, and they did a word search, mazes, and decoding sentences, bingo games.


They sang beautifully in french during the school event. And as if that was not enough, I decided to expose them to Greek mythology so I read to them the story of Dedalus and Icarus the famous engineers who constructed the wings to escape from the prison in Crete, but unfortunately, the latter did not follow the father`s advice and flew very close to the sun so his wings melted and he fell in the sea and died. They were so excited! so along with the drama teacher we made the wings, and the kids decorated them with feathers. They flew only in the classroom. Thank goodness!
I wish you all happy and restful holidays!


Chag Chanukah

This week has been a beautiful week of Chanukah Celebrations and fun activities! Together with Moreh Saar we lit the candles each day at school.

On Wednesday, together with our Reading buddies in Grade 6 we made Edible Dreidels! They were so yummy! After we ate our dreidels, we read Chanukah stories together. We look forward to January for more fun with Our Reading Buddies. 

What would you do if you were trapped in a snow globe? Here’s what 1A would do!

Look at our delicious Latkes that we made! They were so yummy! While the teachers fried Latkes, the class enjoyed sharing and playing with their games from home for our Games Day!


Playing Backgammon with Moreh Saar was a popular choice for Games Day!

At this time I would like to say it has been a true joy and a pleasure to have taught your children! They made coming out of retirement and being back in the classroom a great place to be!  Thank you everyone, for being such a supportive group of parents. I’m so happy that Mrs. Bennett has healed so well and is ready to be back with the Grade 1 class.  I know how excited she is to be with your children. 

Have a safe ,happy and healthy Winter Break Everyone! 

Morah Yaffa




Posted in 1A, 1B, Jewish Studies

We tried so hard, and got so far….

In the end, it was all that really mattered!

Grade 1 has been working so hard on their Hebrew skills for almost four whole months now, last Monday they got to put  those skills to use in real life. We had our second meeting with a group of Israeli children who got to practice their English, while we practiced our Hebrew. We spoke about how old we are, what are our favourite sports and colours, what we like to eat and drink, it was a blast.

It was an amazing experience for the kids, who got to see how quickly they could use the Hebrew they know to express themselves in a coherent manner. Lastly, it was an amazing time for us Hebrew teachers, we got to see the fruits of our labor grow right in front of us. Trust me when I say, I’m one happy gardener…

From everyone in the grade 1 team.

Posted in 1B, General Studies

We Remember

We were very busy in Grade 1 last week learning and commemorating Remembrance Day. We started off reading the story “Proud as a Peacock, Brave as a Lion” by Jane Barclay and then we learned about the different branches in the Canadian military: the Air Force, the Marines, the Navy, and the Army.

We had a TON of questions about being in the military (what life looks like, what the job is all about, and what some of the job requirements are) as well as what it means to be a veteran. So on Wednesday we had two very special guests come in: Troy and June! Troy and June are two Canadian Air Force veterans (and to make it extra special they are also Ms. Karissa’s parents). They told us all about why they chose to join the military as well as why they chose the Air Force. They told us about some of their travels that they had to do while they were in the military, and answered all of our questions about military life (like the vehicles they got to be in, what they ate, and what their daily life was like). It was so much fun seeing the students so engaged and asking so many amazing and thoughtful questions. Selfishly, it was also so much fun for me having my parents as guests in the classroom!

After learning all about life in the military and everything our veterans have done for us, we decided to write thank you letters to Canadian military veterans. We were so proud of our work that we even decided to put them on display in the hallway to show everyone at school how thankful we are for our veterans and all serving members of the military.

Finally, on November 11th, we got to go in front of the ENTIRE school and recite a poem in French about poppies as well as sing our song “Light a Candle for Peace” that we have been practicing so hard (for a few weeks because Ms. Karissa MAY have gotten the days mixed up and thought November 11th was a week earlier than it actually was). This song was so special because not only did we sing about lighting a candle for peace all around the world, but we also learned the song in sign language.

We couldn’t end the week without making a wreath full of poppies. We wanted to make our wreath extra special to show all of our gratitude for military members and veterans so we took our time to make these beautiful poppies. All in all, we had a great week learning about and remembering the fallen soldiers and thanking all veterans and actively serving military members.

From all of us in 1B, we thank you!

Posted in 1A, 1B, General Studies

General Studies Homework!

I am SHOCKED at how excited the grade 1’s were today when they heard homework would be starting!

For general studies homework, we decided to go with a bingo board for each month. The bingo board has a variety of different activities that all target different concepts or topics that we are learning about in class. Students have all been sent home with a login card with their password and username for both Raz-Kids and IXL. For the choice board, students are challenged to complete at least ONE activity per week and they will keep this homework choice board for the month. Students are encouraged to make a “BINGO” line by the end of the month with their homework. The goal is one activity a week but students are welcome to do as many activities as possible. If you have any questions about the choice board please email your child’s general studies teacher and we would be happy to help! I know a few parents have asked to have some hard copy versions of the homework (for example, having a reading book rather than using the raz kids program) that can be arranged as well or anything can be printed from ClassKick or from the bingo board itself.

November Homework Board

RAZ-KIDS: in Grade 1 we are using Raz-Kids to help with reading at home and at school. It is a fantastic program that can be individualized for each student according to their individual learning needs and learning goals. I have created a quick video just showing how to use Raz-Kids at home to help ease any confusion.


IXL: IXL is the online math platform that we use at the school. This is also individualized for the students and the grades. The activities that are on IXL are the same activities and concepts that we learn in class so it helps to reinforce learning. I created a video to help explain how to use IXL at home as well.


I hope this helps answer any questions around the general studies homework. If you have any additional questions or concerns please let us know!

Posted in 1B, General Studies

Global Read Aloud – Another

This week for Global Read Aloud we read the story “Another” by Christian Robinson. We really enjoyed this story especially because there were no words! We had to guess what was happening based on the pictures.

In the story, the little girl went through different portals and had many different adventures. We started to brainstorm where we would go if we had a portal and what we would see in another world. Some of our ideas included: candy land, a video game land, minecraft, a big ball pit, a beach, and so much more. Check out some of 1B’s ideas and drawings below.

Stay tuned for next week as we read the next book from the Global Read Aloud called “Milo Imagines the World” by Christian Robinson.

P.S. 1B now has their own class twitter where the students will be tweeting out their own work or tweeting questions to help us further our learning. Be sure to follow us to keep up with our learning journey! @1bojcs

Posted in 1B

What’s Happening in 1B?

We had a busy September in 1B!

In math, we learned about patterning rules and how to make our own patterns. We have started to look at numbers and counting from 1-100 by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s. Students are starting to use the IXL program online to help them practice the math skills that we are working on in class. Passwords and usernames will be sent home after the holidays!

In English, students have been very busy. Morah Lianna came in to our class a few times to teach us about suffixes and we have been having so much fun learning and understanding what a suffix is and finding suffixes around our classroom and in the books we are reading. In reading, we have started our daily 3 centers where students are now reading to self and recording themselves reading using Classkick. We have JUST gotten Raz-Kids to help us with our reading and usernames/passwords will be sent home after the holidays to start reading at home. This year, we are participating in the global read aloud. We started by reading the story “You Matter” by Christian Robinson and we are excited to read all of the other stories and to participate in the activities and sharing our work with schools around the world who are also participating in the global read aloud.

Our unit in Science is on daily and seasonal changes and we have been doing some fun activities to learn about the seasons and what changes happen as a new season comes. Our unit in social studies is all about roles and responsibilities. We have discussed what roles that the students each have and how their roles change in each environment. We will be introducing class jobs to learn about responsibilities that students have at school.

Friendly Reminders:

-We have started to send home Note Totes every night. These may come home empty some days, but we are just trying to get students into the habit of bringing them home and to school each day.

-We have library Monday’s at first recess (which is optional) as well as Thursday mornings. Students are encouraged to bring their books back when they are finished reading them as they are only allowed to take one book out at a time.

-As the weather changes and students are coming to school in rain/winter boots we would like to remind parents to send indoor shoes to school for students.


Posted in 1A, 1B

שנה טובה – Shana Tova

Wow! what a great start to our Kitah Alef this year!

We have already learned so much and the year has just begun. We are getting to know each other, both students and teachers, we are learning how to read in 3 languages, we are gaining new vocabulary every single day, we have our routines down packed and we are having lots of fun doing all this…

As you know, we also had some special guests visit our classroom last week…

We want to invite you to follow us here, on our blog to see photos and learn about what is happening in our classrooms throughout the year.

Please check out our back to school page above for information about our curriculum, homework, behaviour management, communication and more.

We wish you all a Shana Tova Umetuka and we are looking forward to this wonderful year together.